How to Make Mozzarella Cheese at Home

You can use cheese to add to your bread or meal and make it taste delicious. Preparing Cheese from home needs you to have some basic skills in the kitchen Also you will need ingredients such as rennet and citric are not easily available. So, make sure that you polish up your cheese-making skills.
I have to admit that I adore cheese. It does not really matter if it is Soft, hard, white, yellow, blue, crumbly or creamy, tangy or mild, or seriously smelly, rarely a day goes by when I do not grab a piece out the fridge and put some on a piece of bread, scattering a handful into a sauce or over a salad, or simply grabbing a chunk and eating it on its own. If you have been wanted to make your own cheese then this mozzarella cheese is a great cheese to start with. At the end of the article leave me a comment and let me and others know which cheese is your favourite and why.

Ingredients needed;
• A gallon of milk
• ½ cup of water
• 6 tablespoons of salt
• A teaspoon of rennet
• 1 ½ tea spoon of citric acid
• Ice cubes

Preparing the cheese
Step 1
Dilute the citric acid using a quarter cup of water. Ensure that you do this at room temperature.
Step 2
Add rennet into another container and dilute it using the same amount of water (a quarter cup of water).
Step 3
Add the milk into a steel pot. Insert the citric acid slowly into the milk as you warm it up, Mix the solution for approximately one minute. Heat the solution, as you mix, up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Step 4
Remove the milk from the heat and add the diluted rennet. Slowly add the solution as you mix it softly with the milk for approximately 30 seconds. Cover the mixture for about 10 minutes to give room for the milk to set.
Step 5
After the 10 minutes, the milk can get off the walls when you shake it a bit. Use a long knife to perpendicularly cut the curds and make squares.
Step 6
Heat it again to 105F. Make sure you stir slowly to keep the curds from breaking.
Step 7
Stop heat it and stir the mixture gently for about 2 minutes. Using a wooden spoon to separate the curds from the whey, which is the yellow liquid left behind. Put the curd in a stainless steel strainer.
Step 8
Heat the whey to 175F. Add salt and stir for about 30 seconds. Put the filter with the curds inside the liquid. Ensure that it submerges into the fluid. Heat the curds until they reach a 130F temperature. As you heat, ensure that the curds stick together using a thermal glove.
Step 9
Remove the curds from the liquid once they reach the required temperature. Use your glove to fold and stretch the curds. This will ensure that the cheese becomes firm.
Step 10
Dip the ball into a water bath for about 30 minutes.

Useful tips
As you prepare, ensure that you check on the following;
• Ensure that you use a thermometer that does not easily break on extreme temperatures that the recipe requires. Otherwise, it will not give you the appropriate temperature.
• Use refrigerated milk instead of ultra-pasteurized milk bought in cartons.
• Use sea salt instead of iodized salt
• Citric and rennet are not easily available. However, you can buy these solutions online from different vendors.
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