Herbs and Plants That Will Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally
Heart disease and stroke are two of the most common and fatal conditions, and both are caused by high blood pressure. While many of us suffer from the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle and a less than ideal diet, we can take relief and take action by knowing what plants and herbs can naturally lower our blood pressure.
It’s simple and easy to make a few improvements that will not only taste delicious, but improve your health. Check out these natural herbs and plants that will lower your blood pressure naturally.
1. Garlic:
Although this pungent relative of the onion originated in central Asia, garlic has spread throughout the world as a wonderful way to spice up your dishes, scare away vampires, and, you guessed it, keep your blood healthy and flowing.
Garlic has a bevy of antioxidants and nitric oxide which work in one’s system to relax the muscles and dilate the blood vessels. Allicin is a healthful property in garlic which has antibacterial effects and also promotes blood health.
Grow garlic in your backyard garden or simply buy it in the store. It’s a great addition to any salsa, guacamole, stir-fry, soup, and much much more.
2. Onions:

Since garlic is in the onion family, it stands to reason that onions have a lot of similarly healthful benefits to offer as garlic does. Onions can be found as an ingredient in all kinds of food, so you’ll have many opportunities to enjoy healthful and delicious benefits.
Onions contain antioxidants which help to cleanse the system promote healthy blood-flow. It’s also a source of quercetin which is a powerful immunity booster, allergy reducer, and helps with hypertension. Whether you love the crunch of raw onion, or you’d rather enjoy a milder, cooked version, explore new ways to add these into your diet today.
3. Olives or more specifically, Olive Oil
Olive oil is a staple of the Mediterranean diet and is just as delicious as it is nutritious.
The effectiveness of olive oil in lowering blood pressure is due to its offering of polyphenols. These healthy compounds work to reduce hypertension and are even said to prevent some cancers and heart disease.
Get an extra does or two of olive oil in your day by using it in place of butter or other oils. Cooking your eggs in olive oil, sautéing vegetables, or even just enjoying some olive oil with your bread are great ways to boost your polyphenol intake.
4. Oregano
You may only enjoy oregano with a slice of greasy pizza, but if you are trying to lower your blood pressure, you should be trying to find ways to fit it into other (healthier) meals as well.
Although oregano is a common household ingredient, most of us aren’t familiar with the health-promoting compound that makes oregano so healthful: carvacrol. Carvacrol is a monoterpenoid phenol which boasts many benefits including coughs, colds, inflammation, UTI’s, headaches, and heart conditions.
Why is carvacrol so good for your heart? It reduces your heart rate which has a stabilizing effect on arterial pressure. With a little more of this in your system, the pressure in your arteries will decrease, your blood flow will return to a healthier state, and your heart won’t have to work so hard. Oregano can be used to spice up a plethora of food from pasta to steak to your morning eggs. Start enjoying the benefits today!
5. Celery and Celery Seed
Celery is rich in fiber and adds a delightful crunch to any meal or snack. It can also help you both slim up and reduce your blood pressure.
The heart-related benefits to celery include a reduction of systolic and diastolic pressure. In layman’s terms, the heart will be able to pump out blood to the arteries more easily as well as pump it into the lungs.
Add raw celery to your salads, add some peanut butter and raisins (for an aptly-named “ants on a log” treat), or even add it to your favorite soup.
6. Hawthorn
You might be able to recognize hawthorns for it’s bright red berries, but did you know how potent it can be in promoting your heart health? Supplements often include the leaves, flowers, and sometimes portions of the berries. Evidence shows that it is a great ally to your heart.
Antioxidants abound in the hawthorn plant, and in your system, they work to strengthen blood vessel walls. A large body of evidence shows that it is an effective plant for heart health, and it also provides a bevy of other health benefits from kidney health to digestive issues and even depression.
Hawthorn can be a powerful addition to your supplement routine, so consult with your doctor before you decide to start because it could interfere with other blood pressure medications.
7. Cat’s Claw
It may not be a household name yet, but cat’s claw is a very beneficial and healthful addition to your tea routine. The plant comes from Peru where locals dubbed it “Uño de Gato” or Cat’s Claw because of it’s hook-like leaves.
Cat’s claw is another plant rich in antioxidants. When the body experiences an increase in antioxidants, it is able to shed disease-causing free-radicals. This can be key in fighting heart disease as well as many forms of cancer. Cat’s claw also lowers blood pressure by dilating one’s blood vessels.
Make sure not to miss out on the many benefits of cat’s claw and to get your paws on some of this healthful tea!
Working on lowering your blood pressure can be a matter of balancing out everything that’s going into your body. When you try these new herbs and plants, be sure to consult your doctor for advice and be cautious of how these treatments could interfere with any medications you are currently taking. All natural and financially accessible treatments like these can be very effective and can supplement your diet, so talk to your doctor and see which of these easy treatments might work for you!