Clever Ways Magazine Holders Can Organize Your Life
Magazine racks provide the perfect spot for magazine overflow but what if there was some other ways to use them? Magazine holders — They come in all shapes and sizes and many materials such as metal, cardboard, wood ect. aren’t just for corralling your issues of Dwell. Get creative and clever to use a magazine holder in just about every room of the house to make your life a little more organized this year!
In the pantry
It’s the PERFECT size to hold our little cans of veggies! The two little stoppers are bobby pins I flattened and spray painted white! Source:

Toilet Paper Holder
A big magazine file can be used to store a good amount of spare toilet paper rolls. Source:
Craft supply organizer
Craft supplies are none for being small and hard to manage, but tucking them away in boxes means sometimes forgetting what all you have. Source:
Cutting board holder
I use four different size/types of cutting boards and wanted them separated so I didn’t have to thumb thru them in a hurry.
Catch All Shelf
Grab a magazine holder and turn it on its side for a perfect fit within a corner to become a shelf and tabletop. Source:
Transformable Coffee Table
IKEA hack transforms a handful of magazine holders into a small but modern coffee table. Source:
Mail Station
With a shelf and a few magazine holders you can create a space for mail and accessories. Source:
Potatoes and Onions – organizing
These magazine holders are quite sturdy with a non-scratch base. The mesh made it easy peasy to thread the zip-ties through and the little finger holes make it easy to pull out the storage and see exactly how much supplies I have left. Source:
Wall Organizer
A mail organizer and a grocery bag keeper! That’s all it takes to make this easy and affordable wall-mounted gift wrap center. Source:
Vanity Holder
Store your hot tools inside of a decorative magazine holder. Source:
Utilize the Back of the Pantry Door
Those long boxes fit perfectly inside of a magazine rack! Attach one to the inside of a kitchen cupboard door to keep them hidden but easily accessible Source:
A Clever Divider
Use old magazine and paper dividers to store flip flops and sandals. Extra points for color coordinating. Source:
Office Equipment Organization
Hide any ugly wireless router discreetly with a decorative magazine holder. Source:
Home Office Organization
This is one of those ideas that works really well for me. Source:
If you’re going to use one next to the toilet, be sure it’s cleanable, otherwise–ick!