How To Freeze Eggs

How To Freeze Eggs

How To Freeze Eggs
How To Freeze Eggs

We are all accustomed to the idea of getting raw eggs, cook them and then enjoy their great taste. But what a lot of people don’t realize is the fact that you can also freeze eggs. It’s a very interesting idea and it’s also one of those things that can bring in some amazing benefits. In fact, if you do this right, it’s possible to freeze eggs for up to 2 months and not lose their quality. Sure, it sounds insane, but this is actually doable and certainly a great thing to check out.

What can you do in order to freeze raw eggs?

You can’t freeze eggs in their shells, so you have to freeze them in their whole form. A good rule of thumb is to try and freeze eggs using a set of plastic storage bags. These will help ensure that your eggs are not going to get damaged in any way, and it really brings in an extraordinary result and very good experience. Which is exactly the type of approach that you want to pursue in a situation like this.

Egg Yolk
Egg Yolk

Here are the directions you want to follow:

  • The first thing you want to do is to beat the eggs until you see that yolks were incorporated. However, you don’t want them to be uniform, which is definitely an important aspect to take into consideration. If they are very uniform, that adds air in the compound and it will not freeze very well. Make sure that the eggs are not foaming and you will be fine.
  • Once you finish you need to add that mixture into your plastic storage bag. If you don’t want to use plastic storage bags for some reason, then what you can do is to just opt for a mold you like. Ice cube trays can actually work very well in this type of situation, so it’s certainly an idea to keep in mind.
  • However, if you use plastic bags, you want to add them on a sheet tray. Either that, or any type of surface that allows your plastic bag to be flat in your freezer. Of course, if you use a mold you want the egg mixture to freeze properly for a few hours.
  • Once you do that, you need to remove the mixture from that mold, and then add it in a sealed plastic bag. 
  • At the end all you have to do is to stack the plastic bags in the freezer. Take them out whenever you want, and you will see that you are able to freeze eggs without a problem. It’s a nice idea, and one that might actively work better than expected. All you have to do is to take things into account for the best experience and results.  

Can you freeze egg whites too?

The short answer is yes, you can freeze egg whites too. What you need is to separate the yolks from the egg. Then you must pour the mixture into the plastic bag or mold. You can easily use the mixture for anything you want, and the best part is that they can last for a very long time. Studies on the topic showed that you can keep the mixture suitable for cooking for up to a year. The only variable that matters is making sure you don’t have any free air in the bags. That’s the reason why you want to have vacuum sealed bags. Other than that, you will be fine.

If you want, you can freeze yolks too. The thing you must focus on here is to add sugar, acid or salt that keeps them away from being thick or not able to use properly. The reality though is that you will not have the best quality so it’s a mixed bag more or less. That doesn’t make it less good, and you can still try it.

egg shell
egg shell

How much time does it take to defrost frozen eggs?

A good idea is to leave them out for a while so they can defrost properly. What you can do is to try and let them thaw on their own in the fridge. Eggs are a bit hard to handle here because they can end up bringing illnesses if you don’t manage stuff properly. So it’s all kinds of stuff that can be a problem, which is why you want to avoid things as much as you can.

Is it possible to freeze cooked eggs?

You can do that if you want, the idea here is to fold them in various ingredients that will work well even in cold temperature. Generally, the moisture you get from ice when you freeze egg dishes can actually increase the taste of frozen, cooked eggs once you heat them up. The idea is to do everything you can to make the process great and efficient, then the benefits can be quite amazing in their own right. 

With that being said, it’s a good idea to do some research before you freeze eggs. There are some types of eggs that are better frozen when compared to others. So you always want to avoid any rush and in the end, you want a much better experience. In the end, the outcome can be great and the results on their own are incredible.

eggs on toast
eggs on toast


We think that it’s a good idea to freeze eggs, provided that you know how to do it. If you just rush things that can be an issue. It’s never going to be simple to deal with this kind of stuff, so the best focus is on making sure you retain the egg quality.

It can be hard to do that unless you know the right freezing method. The method listed above is great, efficient and it will convey very good results. Of course there’s plenty of trial and error to be had when it comes to freezing eggs, but the outcome is very impressive. Just make sure that you avoid overdoing it and prevent any problems, especially when it comes to how you store the frozen eggs!