9 Natural Methods To Stop Acid Reflux In Its Tracks

Acid reflux is painful, frustrating and debilitating at times. Millions of people suffer every day, potentially leading to other health problems. Acid reflux leads to heartburn and extra burping. At times, the pain can be so severe; you might feel as if you have chest pains. Many have mistaken acid reflux for a heart attack!
If you’ve never experienced acid reflux, consider yourself lucky. It happens when acid and partially digested food rises into your esophagus. You might experience burning in your throat. Continued experiences can cause a lump in your throat, a sour taste in your mouth, and scars in the esophagus. Long-term acid reflux can cause esophageal cancer.
9 Natural Ways to Treat Reflux
1. Balance Your Stomach Acid Levels
As you might imagine, more acid in your stomach leads to more acid reflux. Higher levels of hydrochloric acid in your stomach leads to more pain for you. To help treat your reflux, increase your stomach’s natural production of digestive acid.
There are several ways to make this happen. Start by replacing your plain table salt with Himalayan crystal salt. This type of salt contains trace minerals and chloride. Another trick is to take an HCL supplement 5 to 10 minutes before eating.

2. Avoid Sugar and Processed Foods
Without a doubt, removing sugar and processed foods from your diet is tricky! However, a balanced, healthy diet is ideal for treating reflux. Your diet should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with meats.
Raw veggies and fruit are ideal because all of the enzymes are still available. Cooking your food destroys those enzymes. If raw veggies aren’t your cup of tea, try stir-frying or lightly steaming them.
Eating the right foods gives the proper support to your digestive system. You should also consider taking a probiotic supplement that increases the good bacteria in your bowels.
3. Change How You Eat
It isn’t enough just to change what you eat. You have to change how you eat as well. Decrease the amount of food that you eat at one time. Doing so lessens the pressure on your stomach.
Bedtime is often a trigger time for acid reflux. As soon as you lay down to go to sleep, the pain returns, often leading to nausea and vomiting. To stop this from happening, don’t eat two to three hours before bedtime. Doing so also reduces the pressure on your stomach as you try to get a good night’s rest.

4. Try Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar seems to be a cure for most things, including acid reflux. I know; you probably are wondering how vinegar could make your reflux any better. It’s true!
You want to purchase raw, organic apple cider vinegar that contains the mother still. Take it as a tonic by adding a tablespoon of ACV into four to six ounces of water. Drink before each meal to settle all of your stomach acids and aid your digestive system.
5. Stomach Baking Soda
During pregnancy, I suffer from daily acid reflux. I avoided trying baking soda for the longest time because it didn’t sound appealing. However, once I gave in and tried it, I realized I was missing a great secret!
Baking soda and water is an old-fashioned remedy. Natural bicarbonate soothes your acid reflux quickly. All you need to do is put a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water. Drink the entire glass quickly. Expect that the flavor will be gross, but it does work!
6. Aloe Vera Juice
Organic aloe vera juice supports your digestive system and reduces the inflammation of your intestines. At the same time, it can reduce the uncomfortable symptoms you are experiencing due to the reflux. All you need to do is mix an ounce of aloe vera juice with two ounces of water. Drink quickly!
7. Ginger Root or Chamomile Tea
Ginger is a traditional medicine used to treat nausea and stomach illnesses. Evidence also shows that ginger can block acid, preventing the formation of ulcers. Considering its long history of being used to treat gastric issues, it should be no surprise that fresh ginger root is a trustworthy solution for treating reflux.
Boil water and add two or three slices of the fresh ginger root into the cup. Allow it to steep for 30 minutes for the full effect. Drink the tea 20 minutes before your next meal.
Chamomile tea contains sedative-like properties and can reduce inflammation. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime can soothe stomach inflammation. Plus, it can help lull you to sleep!
8. Slippery Elm
Another herb that has a reputation for treating reflux is slippery elm. Using slippery elm can coat and soothe your mouth, throat, and entire digestive system, reducing inflammation. At the same time, the herb increases mucus secretion, protecting your body against ulcers and reducing acidity in your system.
You can take slippery elm as a treatment in several ways. Make a tea by pouring two cups of boiling water over powdered, slippery elm and allowing to steep for several minutes. You can create or purchase a slippery elm tincture, consuming that three times per day. The easiest route would be capsules, three to four times per day for several weeks.
9. Make Citrus Water
Citrus water is simple to make at home, such as limeade or lemonade. Squeeze a few teaspoons of pure lemon or lime juice into a glass of water. To sweeten it, use honey or stevia, both which are natural sweeteners.
Drinking homemade citrus water before, during and after meals can help, very similar to how ACV makes you feel better! Adding extra acid into your body through these juices tells your body to stop producing acid through a process called feedback inhibition.
Reflux can make life tricky and miserable, especially if you experience the pain several times per day. To treat reflux naturally, you first must focus on habit and lifestyle changes. After you see if those changes lead to improvements, try a few of these simple herbal remedies make a difference.