9 Homemade Plant Foods
While many people buy plant food on their own, the truth is that you can also prepare plant food at home. In fact, there are many different recipes and guidelines to try out, so it’s not overly difficult. However, it’s all a matter of picking the right plant food based on plant type, its requirements and other factors. Yet in general, homemade plant food can be great for pretty much all plants, it all comes down to choosing what fits your requirements.
Seaweed tea
Seaweed tea is actually a great option and what really makes it great is the fact that it’s filled with nutrients. You do want to ensure that you rinse the seaweed so you can remove salt, dirt or any bugs that might be in it. Chopping it and then adding it in water to steep it for a few weeks is crucial here. You will have most of the nutrients in water, so you strain the seaweed and then use the tea and water with your plants. It’s going to be very efficient and helpful for your plants, which is exactly a thing to keep in mind.
Coffee grounds
What a lot of people don’t realize is that coffee grounds can be great plant food. They are actually filled with all kinds of minerals. These include nitrogen, phosphoric acid and even potash. You will just need to scatter the coffee grounds on the soil and you will be fine. It’s important to note that these work great with azaleas, roses, camellias, avocados, blueberries and many others. Acidic plants tend to love this the most, so that’s certainly one of the things you want to think about.
Egg shells
Egg shells can be great plant food because they have phosphoric acid and nitrogen. With their help, you can boost the plant growth while also boosting the oxygenation of the soil. What you want to do is to just crush the egg shells and try to turn them into fine powder. It’s possible to sprinkle them over the soil. Other than that, you are not required to do anything else. That’s the great thing about the entire process, and in the end it will convey a much better potential. That alone is certainly going to be worth the effort.
Powdered milk
There’s no denying that a lot of plants need calcium in order to thrive and survive. Powdered milk is a great source of calcium, which means you can use it as plant food without a problem. You can use it as a way to prepare the soil, so it’s an ideal plant food especially when you want to add new crops. As always, you want to scatter it over the bare soil. You don’t have to mix it with water, which is one of the things that you really need to think about. Doing that will just offer the plant food your plants need, and it also involves less work from your side.
Wood ash
One of the plant food types that many won’t actually think about is definitely wood ash. Yes, wood ash can actually have compounds that help plants grow. The only thing you want to note here is that the ash has lighter fluid or charcoal in it, then you don’t want to use it. That means it has chemicals that will be dangerous for your plant, so that’s the kind of thing you really want to avoid.
Banana peels

What you will notice about banana peels is the fact that they are filled with potassium. This is one of those minerals flowers need to grow and expand. With that in mind, you do want to buy the peels a few inches from the flowers and you will be good to go. If you just leave them on the ground, then that won’t help your plants. It’s the process of burrowing the banana peels and thus allowing bacteria to start splitting this what makes the process better and more cohesive in the end. That on its own is a crucial aspect that you should check out.
Blackstrap molasses
These are rich in potash, copper, magnesium, carbon, iron, sulfur and manganese, among many others. You can easily combine these with green tea or even Epsom salt in order to deliver the plant food that your flowers and other plants really need. It’s definitely a great option and one of the things to take into account as much as possible.
Green tea
Did you know that you can use green tea as plant food? Yes, that’s indeed possible and you can start doing it today. With that being said, you just have to steep a tea bag in a gallon of water. Use that mixture to water the plants you can feel free to do the same thing every month. It will have a very positive impact on your plant’s health.
You just need to dissolve some ammonia in a gallon of water, then you just store it in a container with a cap. When needed, you just pour it when you water your plants and you will be good to go. It’s not that hard to do and it’s one of those plant food solutions that will surprise you with its efficiency. It’s definitely worth a shot, especially if you’re looking for the best and most efficient homemade plant food that you can do without a lot of hassle.
We always recommend preparing homemade plant food, as it’s better and you have more control over what’s in it. Plus, you can easily prepare a large variety of plant food options, and in the end that will be healthier and more efficient for your plants. It might not seem that easy at first, but if you do it right, the benefits can be incredible and that’s what you want to pursue the most. Once you take your time and use this type of homemade plant food presented here, you will surely make your garden blossom and your plants will be very healthy!