20 Creative Uses for Toothpaste
Toothpaste is one of those substances you have probably never thought of much. Its purpose is spelled out in its very name… it’s a paste to clean your teeth. In reality, though, the mild abrasive qualities and germ and odor fighters in the average toothpaste make it a no-brainer cleaner for a lot of items around your home!
Following are 20 household uses you’ve probably never thought of, but will wish you would have!
Pimple Paste:
For an overnight pimple treatment, simply dab a bit of non-gel, non-whitening toothpaste on inflamed and irritated spots. The paste will dehydrate the pimple and absorb the oil inside. Again, use a basic, simple paste for this remedy and do not use if you have overly sensitive skin to prevent irritation.
Goggle Defogger:
If you’ve ever been skiing or scuba diving you know there is nothing more frustrating and potentially dangerous than goggles that fog over. You can prevent fogging by simply coating the goggles with toothpaste and wiping them clean. Also works great for construction and lab goggles!

Mirror Defogger:
It works just as effectively on bathroom mirrors! Just coat the mirror with a simple non-gel toothpaste and wipe it clean. Your next shower won’t inhibit your next shave!
Chrome Cleaner/Polish:
You can buff your bathroom and kitchen chrome to a shine with simple toothpaste. Just apply and polish with a soft clean cloth.
Silver and Brass:
Use a soft toothbrush to scrub lightly with just a dab of paste. Rinse thoroughly and polish with a dry, soft cloth. If toothpaste remains in any cracks, clean the toothbrush thoroughly and brush under water to dislodge the white paste. Dry again and polish.
Sink Scrub:
I first noticed that left over globs of toothpaste in the sink made a nice abrasive sudsy paste when scrubbed with water and a brush, so one day I thought, “Why not?” An extra squirt of toothpaste and some scrubbing later, my sink was absolutely sparkling! Simply use with a sponge or brush for a clean and deodorized sink.
Cell Phone Screens:
Unprotected mobile-phone screens become scratched to heck over time. Lightly rub the screen with a touch of toothpaste and your finger. Rinse with a damp cloth and dry. This also works on watch faces.
Leather Shoe Renew:
Similarly, a little toothpaste is a great way to remove scuffs from your shiny leather shoes! Just apply a dab and rub with a soft cloth until the scuff is gone. Follow up with a damp cloth to remove excess residue.
Bug Bites:
For mosquito, ant and other small bug bites, apply toothpaste to sooth itching and cool the skin. You can apply paste to bee stings, as well, but seek medical assistance if you experience shortness of breath or other serious symptoms.

IF you burn your self on the stove or a hot pan, plunge the affected area under cold water to rapidly bring down the skin temperature. After the paint has gone, smear non-gel toothpaste thickly over the burn until the skin cools permanently and the sting is gone. Finally, apply a healing agent, such as aloe vera.
Hand Deodorizer:
The odor fighters and mild abrasives in toothpaste make them a great cleaner for smelly hands. Simply use toothpaste as you would ordinary soap to leave your hands minty fresh!
Shoe Renew:
To Clean and brighten rubber parts of sneakers, just bust out an old toothbrush and some non-gel toothpaste. Scrub on with a little water and wipe away the residue with a damp cloth for cleaner sneakers.
Clothes Iron Cleaner:
I haven’t found a cleaning method more effective for cleaning the buildup off an iron. Simply apply toothpaste to the iron when cool, scrub with a rag and rinse away the gunk!
Diamond Ring Polish: Simply brush your ring as you would your teeth (only use an old brush, of course). The result will be a sparkling diamond and setting if you rinse properly. No need to floss.

Baby Bottle Refresher:
Every parent knows that smell… sour milk… emanating from your precious baby’s food source. To remedy, just put a little toothpaste on your bottle brush and scrub as normal. Rinse thoroughly before reuse.
Crayon Cure:
Is your baby getting a little more mobile now, and decorating the bottom few feet of your walls with crayon marks? Fret not… toothpaste, a scrub brush, and a minimal amount of elbow grease will remove the stains in short order. Clean up residue with a damp towel.
Lipstick Stain Stopper:
I’m not interested in how you got lipstick stains on your clothing, that’s your business! 😉 My business is telling you that a dab of toothpaste rubbed vigorously onto the stain and rinsed will make it as though it was never there.
Wash Away Watermarks:
Honestly, why don’t people use your coasters? It doesn’t matter… toothpaste can get rid of marks left by sweating beverages when gently rubbed on with a dry cloth, rubbed off with a damp cloth, and followed up with your regular furniture polish.
Beach Tar Buster:
Black, gunky feet after a day at the beach can be a bit of a nuisance. Removing it is easy, however. Just wash your feet with some non-gel toothpaste, rinse, and dry.
Piano Polish:
In the same way that toothpaste shines up your pearly whites, it has a great and gentle cleaning effect on the ivory of piano keys. This simple technique even works on the dingy yellowing of modern plastic piano keys.
I Really liked (The 20 creative uses for toothpaste,) especially the one that takes scratches off mobile phone screens. I wanted to read page 2 of what you can do with toothpaste, I clicked on everything that I could and it would still not come up.
I sure would like to read that second page.
Toothpaste IS an ABRASIVE!!! BE CAREFUL with soft materials and glass, diamonds, plastics anything that can be scratched!!! Ammonia like Windex work well without scratching!!