13 Foods to Eat to Reduce Clogged Arteries

13 Foods to Eat to Reduce Clogged Arteries

13 Foods to Eat to Reduce Clogged Arteries
By Lightspring/shutterstock

Heart disease is one of the top killers in the United States, claiming one out of 4 deaths per year. Plaque builds up in the heart’s arteries, narrowing the inner walls, which restricts and blocks the flow of blood. Your arteries are quite literally the vessels that keep you alive, delivering oxygen-rich blood throughout your body. Clogged and blocked arteries can lead to a heart attack, a stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases.

Exercising and staying healthy are some of the most important things you can do! Make sure you include some of these foods that clean your arteries naturally.

  • Asparagus

By DUSAN ZIDAR/shutterstock

Asparagus is full of fiber and minerals that will keep your blood pressure lower and prevent blood clots from forming. Adding asparagus to your diet helps to reduce inflammation and increases your body’s production of glutathione, an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and prevents clogged arteries. This veggie also contains alpha-linolenic acid and folic acid, which prevents the hardening of your arteries.

  • Avocado

By Larisa Blinova/shutterstock

Incorporating avocado into your diet is popular right now, and that’s a good thing! Avocado reduces the bad cholesterol while increasing healthy cholesterol that will clear out your arteries. It is a source of vitamin E and potassium, which helps to lower blood pressure. You can add avocado in any salad, on your morning eggs, on a sandwich, and in guacamole!

  • Broccoli

By Brent Hofacker/shutterstock

Broccoli contains vitamin K, which stops calcium from damaging your arteries. It also is full of fiber, lowering your blood pressure and reducing stress. Everyone can do with a little less stress! Stress can cause plaque to build-up along your arterial walls.

Try to add broccoli to your menu at least twice a week! The best thing about broccoli is that its versatility. You can steam, roast or grill it. Broccoli can go in your main dish, like in pasta, or as a tasty side dish. Switch it up!

  • Olive Oil

Olive Oil
Olive Oil

For years, fats were viewed as unhealthy, but now we know that fats are a necessary part of our diets. Olive oil contains monounsaturated oleic acid, which increasing healthy cholesterol levels. Olive oil also contains antioxidants.

Finding ways to use olive oil is easy! Use it for your main cooking oil, or top your salad with olive oil and basil. You can use olive oil instead of butter and drizzle it over your pasta. Extra virgin olive oil is the best choice for health benefits and make sure its organic.

  • Nuts


Did you know that it is recommended you eat three to five servings of nuts each week? Nuts are perfect for snacks. You can put a cup in a baggie and take it along with you. Almonds are the best choice because they contain high levels of monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, protein, and fiber. Almonds also contain magnesium that stops plaque formation.

Walnuts are another top pick because that contain omega-3 fatty acids, which reduces bad cholesterol and increase healthy cholesterol levels in your body. Good cholesterol lowers the risk of plaque building up in your arteries.

  • Watermelon

By Africa Studio/shutterstock

Watermelon is one of the best treats during the hot summers. This summertime snack contains amino acid L-citrulline, which increases the nitric oxide production in your body. Adding more nitric oxide into your diet relaxes your arteries and decreases inflammation. It also will reduce your lower blood pressure.

  • Turmeric

Turmeric is a source of curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory. Arteriosclerosis is caused by inflammation, which hardens your arteries. Adding turmeric to your diet helps to reduce the damage to arterial walls. Also, Turmeric is a source of vitamin B6, which helps to keep appropriate levels of homocysteine in your body. Find 5 Turmeric Tea Recipes here

  • Spinach


Spinach is a versatile green to add to your diet. You can saute it, add it to salads, or put it in your soups. It is a source of potassium fiber, and folate, which lowers your blood pressure and reduces the risk of artery blockage. Try to add at least one serving of spinach to your diet each day to lower your homocysteine levels.

  • Cinnamon


Cinnamon reduces cholesterol levels which preventing plaque build-up. Its also a source of antioxidants, which improves your cardiovascular health. Cinnamon is a sweetener, so you can add it to your baked goods or in applesauce. You can spice up a cup of tea or sprinkle some on top of your coffee.

  • Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds
By AnjelikaGr/shutterstock

Chia seeds regulate blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol levels while increasing HDL cholesterol. You can increase your heart health by adding chia seeds to your diet. Chia seeds are a source of protein and nutrients as well – they are a little superfood! Add chia seeds to your smoothies and protein shakes!

  • Coffee


Coffee lovers rejoice, it’s not bad for your health like some people seem to believe. Drinking 8 to 16oz of coffee per day reduces your risk of heart disease by 20% – that’s impressive! At the same time, you don’t want to consume too much caffeine because too much stimulant can increase your blood pressure. Looking for more uses for coffee? Check out this article 10 Benefits Of Coffee For Your Skin, Hair, And Health

  • Green Tea

Green tea
Green tea

Not a fan of coffee? That’s ok! Green tea has high levels of catechins, an antioxidant that stops the absorption of cholesterol during digestion. Try adding two to three cups of green tea to your diet each day. Each cup of green tea improves your blood lipid levels and reduces arterial blockage. At the same time, green tea boosts your metabolism, helping you lose weight and increasing your heart health.

  • Orange Juice

Orange Juice

Two cups of orange juice, with no sugar added, each day improves your blood pressure and reduces inflammation in your arteries. At the same time, orange juice contains antioxidant from the vitamin C, which keeps your arteries clear of any blockages. Vitamin C prevents oxidative damage in the bloodstream. So, have a glass of orange juice with your breakfast, or add some to your cookie batter – yes, it’s delicious!

Purposefully including these 13 foods into your diet regularly helps to ensure your heart functions at maximum health. Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States, but it doesn’t have to be! Work towards maintaining a healthy heart by eating the right foods.