13 Creative ways To Reuse Ammo Cans

13 Creative ways To Reuse Ammo Cans

13 Creative ways To Reuse Ammo Cans

Ammo cans are normally used for the safe transfer of ammo by the military. Due to their sturdy nature, durable material, and resealable covers, ammo cans can also be used for a variety of household purposes. It’s for this reason that used ammo cans are commonly sold at military surplus shops. Below are some great ideas for different ways in which ammo cans can be used.

You can purchase them from military surplus stores or from amazon HERE

Ammo Box Speakers

Even if you’re not someone known for shopping your local army surplus store or own anything else ammo-related, this fun and effective project might be worth trying, Source: instructables.com

Ammo Box Speakers

Ammo Can Sub Box

Ammo Can Sub Box

If you have a rugged vehicle and looking to add some base to your music then why not try building a ammo can sub box. Source: jk-forum.com

Happy (Caffeinated) Camping With ‘Java Can’ Kit

Happy (Caffeinated) Camping With ‘Java Can’ Kit

Best coffee ever made outdoors? This ammo tin is packed with everything you need to become a campsite barista. Source: gearjunkie.com

Ammo Can Mailbox

I love ammo cans! I’ve been trying to figure out how to use them for all different reason around my home this is a great way to use one outside.. Source: waymarking.com

Ammo Can Mailbox

DIY Ammo Box Stove

DIY Ammo Box Stove

Enter the Ammo Can Stove. This is a compact, self-contained cooking solution. Just strap it to your ATV, and head into the woods for a weekend hunting trip. Source: inchsurvival.com

Garage Wall Storage

Garage storage from recycled ammo cans. Source: pinterest.com


Ammo cans are normally used for the safe transfer of ammo by the military. Due to their sturdy nature, durable material, and resealable covers, ammo cans can also be used for a variety of household purposes. It’s for this reason that used ammo cans are commonly sold at military surplus shops. Below are some great ideas for different ways in which ammo cans can be used.

Ammo Can Center Console

Get crafty and turn a used ammo can into a center console for a rugged vehicle.  Source: jeepforum.com

Ammo Can Center Console

Vechile Storage Ammo

Ammo cans mounted on the rear bumper add additional storage. Source:popupportal.com

Vechile Storage Ammo

Portable Sun – Rechargeable Work Lamp

Why use a flashlight when you can use a powerful, heavy duty work lamp? Source: instructables.com

Portable Sun - Rechargeable Work Lamp

Vertical Garden Ideas

Gardening is a pastime appreciated by many, but what if tight quarters keep you from a sprawling green garden? It’s time to start thinking vertical. Source: bhg.com

Vertical Garden Ideas

Military Theme Bedroom Idea

Turn a ammo can and a military helmet into a lamp – Source: wherethegrassisgreener-rz.blogspot.co.uk

Military Theme Bedroom Idea

Bird House

Make this great looking military sytle bid house using a ammo can and some timber to make the rood. Source: flickr.com

Bird House

Ammo Can Stove ideas

This is one of the ultimate ammo stove ideas. Source: ammocanstove.com

Ammo Can Stove ideas


  1. You missed one of the most obvious and popular uses: saddlebags for a motorcycle. I mounted a pair on one of my bikes, then went ahead and painted the whole thing olive drab to give it an army/rat bike look.

  2. I store my garden seeds in an ammo tin