10 Benefits Of Coffee For Your Skin, Hair, And Health

10 Benefits Of Coffee For Your Skin, Hair, And Health

10 Benefits Of Coffee For Your Skin, Hair, And Health
10 Benefits Of Coffee For Your Skin, Hair, And Health

People love coffee for its enticing aroma and delicious flavor, not to mention its caffeine, which delivers a much-needed dose of energy that makes it a breakfast staple for many. What most people, including many of coffee’s biggest fans, don’t realize, is that coffee can benefit your skin and hair as well. Coffee not only boosts your mood and energy, its concentrated antioxidants can also repair skin damage, reduce inflammation, enhance hair color and texture, and improve your complexion. If you did not love coffee before, you will now.

Are you familiar with free radicals? These are reactive molecules in our bodies with unpaired electrons that can corrode important cell structures like DNA and proteins. Antioxidants neutralize the destructive free radicals by providing them with electrons which effectively stabilizes them. This is why antioxidants help prevent disease and protect against premature aging which can otherwise be exacerbated by oxidative stress. Antioxidants are known to provide a variety of health benefits and generally boost overall health and well-being.

coffee grounds
coffee grounds

Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, such as polyphenols and hydrocinnamic acids, which are particularly good at reducing oxidative stress and disarming free radicals. While you can enjoy these benefits by consuming coffee, you can also do it be applying coffee to the outside of your body.

If you want to enjoy the surprising health and beauty benefits of this delicious beverage, it’s time to incorporate it into your daily skin and hair care routine.

Here are just 10 of the ways that coffee can promote beautiful skin and hair:

Softens Skin

If you want smooth, hydrated, healthy skin, try making a coffee-cocoa face pack. Just combine equal parts cocoa powder and ground coffee beans, about 2 teaspoons of each, with a spoonful of honey and 3 teaspoons of milk. You can substitute yogurt for the milk if your skin is oily. Smooth this mixture onto your face and make yourself comfortable; leave the mask on for about half an hour, then rinse it off with clean water. A homemade coffee-cocoa face mask is exponentially cheaper and more convenient than a trip to the salon for a facial treatment and it can even tighten your pores.

Reduces Inflammation

Caffeine’s anti-inflammatory properties naturally reduce swelling, redness, and puffiness. Studies with rats have found that coffee’s anti-inflammatory qualities are comparable to aspirin. Additional studies in which coffee was mixed into anti-inflammatory creams found coffee to substantially, and positively, impact the creams’ effectiveness.

Enhances Hair Color

The natural acidity of coffee can add shine to your hair and smooth out your cuticles. So much cheaper and easier than hair dye or manufactured hair care products, all you need to enhance your hair is a couple of spoonfuls of coffee grounds mixed into your regular conditioner. Lather and leave it in your hair for a few minutes before rinsing. Coffee grounds are especially effective as a color enhancer for brunettes.

Reduces Puffiness and Dark Circles

Another benefit of coffee’s anti-inflammatory properties is its ability to minimize the accumulation of blood underneath your eyes which lead to dark circles. In fact, you might be surprised to know that products marketed for erasing dark circles typically include caffeine as part of their formula. While caffeine will not address the underlying factors causing dark circles and puffiness around the eyes, such as sleep deprivation, allergies, or dehydration, it can reduce the visible effects of these ailments.

Exfoliates Skin

Coffee grounds make a terrific exfoliant. A simple paste of ground coffee, brown sugar, and olive oil will remove dead skin cells when applied as a face scrub. Massage it gently into your pores with circular motions then rinse with clean water. For optimal results, use moisturizer afterwards. The coffee promotes exfoliation and hydration.

Prevents Oxidation

If you’re a devout coffee drinker than you might be aware of coffee’s unusually high concentration of antioxidants which surpasses that of even fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help remedy skin damage. Studies have shown that coffee, when topically applied, protect the skin from harmful UV rays. Coffee actually inhibits a particular protein enzyme which helps to prevent skin cancer. Coffee’s diuretic qualities also help with Rosaceae, a condition that involves irritation and redness from sun damage.

Darkens Hair

Avoid the harmful chemicals used by salons and hair coloring kits by using coffee as a natural way to darken your hair. The coloring is infinitely safer for you and the environment and less permanent. This is an ideal solution for anyone wanting a change but not ready to commit to anything long term.

To start, wash with shampoo; you’ll want your hair to be completely clean of products and oils. Brew 2 cups of strong coffee and, once cooled to room temperature, pour the coffee into a wide-mouthed container that will be easy to dip your hair into. You might want to wrap a towel around your shoulders and neck or remove your clothing to prevent stains. The best place to do this is usually the bathroom. Place the container of coffee in the sink, lean down, and dunk your hair. You can also use a cup to gather coffee to pour onto the crown of your head. Try to really soak all of your hair, working the coffee down to the scalp. Once saturated, wring out excess liquid but leave the coffee in your hair for at least 20 minutes and at most 4 hours. Finally, rinse off in the shower. Repeat as needed to achieve the desired hue.

Reduces Cellulite

Another surprising perk of caffeine is its ability to dehydrate fatty cells, effectively diminishing cellulite and making your skin appear smoother. Many skin creams include caffeine for this reason and those that do are up to 17% more effective at reducing cellulite. Here’s an easy body scrub you can make yourself using ingredients you have at home. Mix together Aloe Vera, finely ground coffee, and vitamin E using a 2:1:1 ratio. Massage this mixture onto your skin and enjoy the results.

Tightens Skin

I’m sure at this point you won’t be surprised to learn that caffeine can minimize lines, wrinkles, and puffiness around the face. Coffee is often included among the top ingredients of anti-aging products intended to tighten skin and eliminate other signs of aging. Caffeine doesn’t just enhance surface level health and well-being, research indicates that it also inhibits the development of cancer cells.

Brightens Skin

Finally, achieve that radiant glow you’ve always wanted by using a mixture of coffee grounds, Epson salts, and warm water to wash and exfoliate. Coffee naturally protects against bacteria, fungi, and viruses, giving you healthy, beautiful skin from the inside out and outside in.

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